Transport and General Workers Unin Rule Book, July 2004 edition RULE #1. TITLE AND MEMBERSHIP
CONTRIBUTIONS AND BENEFITS [note: I don't think we have a schedule #II - nothing came with the book]

[ transcribed to this non-union website March 2008 An unofficial free-to-edit Wiki copy is at - it is already at and there is nothing to stop anyone else cutting and pasting these rules into a similar free wiki page for editing their own version or showing to others. It is not illegal to email the union's central office with the link as a suggestions for a new rule book. No official consultation outside a private subcommittee of the General Executive Council has yet taken place for the expected new draft of the rule book, and any consultation may be short. A diagram of how the current system is here]


Rule one seems to obvious to state, except for the name in Ireland

detailed changes seem impossible because the rule book looks about 50 years out of date

the rule below is something anyone can give an opinion on.

for the rest it's only possible to squiggle questions on the things




1. Fair & dignified treatment of employees

2. Ownership of employing companies by employees

3. Encouraging volunteer help between employees

4. Legal insurance of the same standard as is available to employers

5. Human resources advice of the same standard as is available to employers

6. Other benefits

7. Individual donation by members to charities, political campaigns, or joint business ventures with other members.

8. Elimination of involuntary contributions


1. For the government of the Union there shall be a Biennial Delegate
Conference. This Conference shall only consist of elected delegates, General
Secretary, other executive officers, Executive Finance Director, National
Officials and Regional Secretaries and heads of departments. Women’s
representation of elected delegates shall be proportionate to the respective
membership of the Regional Trade Group delegations. Black and Asian ethnic
minority representation shall be proportionate to the respective membership of
the Regional Trade Group delegations.

2. For the revision of the rules and constitution of the Union there shall be a Rules
Conference which shall meet in every sixth year commencing with the year
1950. The Rules Conference shall only consist of elected delegates, General
Secretary, other executive officers, Executive Finance Director and Regional
Secretaries. Women’s representation of elected delegates shall be
proportionate to the respective membership of the Region. Black and Asian
ethnic minority representation of elected delegates shall be proportionate to the
respective membership of the Region.

The executive seems to have skipped this rule already

3. For the general administration of the Union's business and for the government
of the Union in the period between the Biennial Delegate Conference there
shall be a General Executive Council. This Council shall consist of such
number of elected members as is provided for in the rules.

All members should be told of their right to stand (at the moment it's implied they can't by a long list of "branch nominations" for each candidate, but the law says anyone can stand)

4. For the purpose of administration, the membership of the Union shall be
divided, according to (a) territorial region and (b) trade or occupation, or district
committee if required.

"current regional offices are..."

5. For the purpose of regional administration the British Islands shall be divided
into regions, including:-

(1) London, the South East England and East Anglia
(2) South West England and the Channel Islands
(3) Ireland
(4) Wales
(5) Midlands
(6) North West England and Isle of Man
(7) Scotland
(8) Northern England including Yorkshire and Humberside.
or such other regions as may from time to time be determined.

These need to justify themselves to the membership as value for money.
Presumably they need to be fluid, some of them changing every few years.
Maybe allocate X% of the budget to trade groups, and insist that they say whatever it is that they do?

6. The membership shall be divided into National Industrial Sectors according to [ page7]
the employment of members of the Union. The National Industrial Sectors shall
be as follows:-

(a) Manufacturing
(b) Services
(c) Transport
(d) Food and Agriculture

Each of the National Industrial Sectors shall be divided into national trade
groups and sections including craft and occupational sections as may from time
to time be determined by the General Executive Council.

The General Executive Council has determined that the National Industrial
Sectors shall be divided into national trade groups or sections as follows:

(a) Manufacturing –

Vehicle Building & Automotive
Power & Engineering
Chemical Oil and Rubber

(b) Services -

Administrative, Clerical, Technical and
Supervisory Staffs
Public Services
Building and Construction (including Building Crafts)
General Workers

(c) Transport -

Civil Air Transport
Road Transport (Commercial)
Docks & Waterways

(d) Food and Agriculture –

Agricultural and Allied Workers
Food, Drink & Tobacco


Jurisdiction sounds like a Blair quango - the Solicitor's Regulation Authority or something

Suggest all this detail should go or be put on hold until there is some sort of transparency and democracy under rule 4 and 10

7 Each National Industrial Sector shall, where practicable, be divided into
regional trade groups, sections or district committees in accordance with the
territorial regions. Regional trade groups, sections or district committees shall
be divided into branches to one of which every member of the Union shall
belong. The territorial area over which each Branch shall exercise jurisdiction,
shall be decided by the General Executive Council, on the recommendation of
the Regional Committee concerned.

8 The division of regions and regional trade groups or sections and the allocation
of members thereto shall be decided by the General Executive Council, who
shall constitute special sub-sections of trade groups as may from time to time
seem expedient. [ page8]

9 The general policy of the Union shall, subject to the Biennial Delegate
Conference, be determined by the General Executive Council, but the policy of
every region or trade shall, within the powers delegated to a Regional Trade
Group or District Committee, Regional Committee, National Industrial Sector
Committee or National Trade Group Committee by these rules or by the
General Executive Council, be determined by such committees.

10 There shall be national and regional Women's Committees, and national and
regional Race Equality Committees, the constitution of which shall be
determined by the General Executive Council. The representatives elected to
the General Executive Council in accordance with Rule 6 clause 2c and 2d
shall be full members of the relevant national committee.

11. There shall be national and regional Disabled Members’ Committees, the
constitution of which shall be determined by the General Executive Council.

12. The General Executive Council may constitute or revoke National and Regional
advisory committees as may from time to time seem expedient, the constitution
of which shall be determined by the General Executive Council.


All members should be invited to stand and be balloted online

1. The government of the Union and the appointment of its trustees, shall be
vested only in a Biennial Delegate Conference, which shall meet in the month
of June or July. Special Conferences may be held as in these rules provided.

2. The Biennial Delegate Conference shall be constituted as follows:-
Every Branch of the Union shall have power to nominate a member of two
years standing, who is in benefit, as a candidate or delegate in its trade group
to the Biennial Delegate Conference. The election of such nominees shall take
place at the Branch meeting, and shall be by show of hands or by ballot, if so
decided by the meeting

This was written for union members who would attend one meeting in two years in person; if they can't do that and show hands or they want privacy the implication is that there should be a full ballot of members for whatever this Blackpool conference is. Same point repeated more under rule 10 about branches, because in practice branch activists on their exclusive self-election committees seem to control all the other committees.

Every Regional Trade Group, within a National
Industrial Sector, shall be entitled to one delegate at the Biennial Delegate
Conference for every 1,000 members of that Regional Trade Group up to 5,000
members, or one delegate where the membership is 1,000 or less; and where
the membership exceeds 5,000 members one additional delegate for every,
2,000 members. The number of delegates to which each Regional Trade
Group shall be entitled shall be calculated on the basis of the financial
membership as at the close of the June quarter in the year preceding the year
in which the Biennial Delegate Conference is due to be held. The members of
every Regional Trade Group shall elect from among the candidates, who are
members of that Regional Trade Group, as many delegates as they are entitled
to under this rule. Such last-mentioned election shall be by ballot vote. If after
the election anything shall happen to prevent a delegate from attending the
Biennial Delegate Conference, their place shall be filled by the candidate
obtaining the next highest number of votes in the election. Invitations for the [ page9]
nomination of delegates shall be sent to every Branch by the third Monday in
December in the year preceding that in which the Biennial Delegate
Conference is held.

3. No member of the General Executive Council, permanent or full-time officer, or
permanent or full-time member of the staff of the Union, or retired officer or
member of the staff of the Union, or any member who is in receipt of a pension
from any of the funds of the Union, and no member who is employed on Union
business on a full-time basis with remuneration paid from funds which are
raised from special contributions paid by Branch members as distinct from
Union contributions, shall be eligible for nomination as a delegate to the
Biennial Delegate Conference.

4. The General Executive Council shall be represented by not more than three of
its members at any Biennial Delegate Conference, and its representatives may
speak upon but shall not vote on any subject.

5. Each delegate shall hold office until the next Biennial Delegate Conference.

6. General motions may be moved at the instance of branches, regional trade
groups or districts, or national trade groups or sectors, regional committees or
the General Executive Council. The General Secretary shall send not later
than December in the year preceding each Biennial Delegate Conference to
each Branch an invitation to forward general motions for the agenda of such
Conference. No general motion shall be placed upon the agenda unless
despatched to reach the General Secretary within a period of six weeks of the
date of the circular issued by the General Secretary inviting the submission of
general motions.

The agenda, subject to such grouping or verbal revision as the General
Executive Council may deem advisable, shall be issued to the delegates, to the
branches, and to all national and regional authorities at least three weeks
before the Biennial Delegate Conference meets, and no subject not included
therein shall be discussed without the permission of the Biennial Delegate
Conference, or unless the Standing Orders Committee report it to be a matter
of urgency.

Amendments to general motions on the agenda may be moved at the instance
of branches, regional trade groups or districts, or national trade groups or
sectors,, regional committees or the General Executive Council.
The General Secretary shall circulate any such amendments received to the
delegates prior to the Biennial Delegate Conference.

7. Not less than one teller from each region, six scrutineers, and three members
of the Standing Orders Committee shall be appointed at each Biennial
Delegate Conference from among the delegates present. [ page10]

8. The Standing Orders Committee shall consist of six members, one-half of
whom shall retire in turn at each Biennial Delegate Conference. They shall be
eligible for re-election. Casual vacancies on the Committee shall be filled from
the candidates not elected at the previous election in the order of the votes
recorded. They shall give special consideration to all matters of urgency
referred to them, and make such recommendations regarding the same and for
the conduct of the business of the Biennial Delegate Conference as they shall
deem fit. They may advise the suspension or modification of any standing
orders. They shall examine the credentials of all delegates, and shall report the
result to the Biennial Delegate Conference. Members of the General Executive
Council shall not be eligible to serve as members of this Committee.

9. The Biennial Delegate Conference shall have power to formulate such standing
orders as it shall think fit.

10. The Biennial Delegate Conference shall elect six delegates to form an Appeal
Committee, which shall hear and decide appeals from decisions of the General
Executive Council under Rule 6, Clauses 9, and 18; Rule 10, Clause 7 (c); and
Rule 11 Clause 10 (c). No member of the General Executive Council shall be
eligible to be nominated for the Appeals Committee. Such Committee shall
hold office until the succeeding Biennial Delegate Conference. Casual
vacancies on the Committee shall be filled from the candidates not elected at
the previous election in the order of the votes recorded. The decisions of the
Appeals Committee shall be final. All appeals must be heard within four weeks
of the appeal being received by the General Secretary.

11. The cost of any Biennial Delegate Conference shall be met from the general

12. Each delegate shall receive payment in accordance with the rates laid down by
the General Executive Council.

13. The Biennial Delegate Conference may be recalled by the General Executive
Council in an emergency, and shall be so called before the sanctioning of a
strike involving the whole of the members of the Union. It shall only deal with
the business for which it is summoned. If the Conference shall deem a strike
involving the whole of the members of the Union advisable, it shall direct the
General Executive Council to take a vote thereon by ballot of all the members
of the Union, and the General Executive Council shall act in accordance with
such vote. Before attending a recalled Biennial Delegate Conference
delegates shall attend their group committee to receive instructions.



1. The power to make, amend and revoke the rules of the Union and its
constitution shall be vested only in a Rules Conference, which shall meet in the
month of June or July of every sixth year commencing with the year 1950. [ page11]
Special Rules Conferences may be held as in these rules provided.

2. The Rules Conference shall be constituted as follows:
Every Branch of the Union shall have power to nominate a member of two
years standing who is in benefit as a candidate for election as delegate to the
Rules Conference. The election of such nominee shall take place at the
Branch meeting and shall be by show of hands or by ballot, if so decided by the
meeting. Subject to an over-riding limit of 25 delegates in the case of any one
region, each region shall be entitled to one delegate at the Rules Conference
for every 10,000 members of that region, or part thereof, provided the part
thereof is 5,000 or over. The number of delegates to which a region shall be
entitled shall be calculated on the basis of the financial membership as at the
close of the year preceding the year in which the Rules Conference is due to be
held. The members of each region shall elect from amongst the candidates
who are members within that region as many delegates as they are entitled to
under this rule. Such last mentioned election shall be by ballot vote. If after the
election anything shall happen to prevent an elected delegate from attending
the Rules Conference, their place shall be filled by the candidate obtaining the
next highest number of votes in the election in the region concerned.
Invitations for the nomination of delegates shall be sent to each Branch by the
third Monday in March of every year in which the Rules Conference is held.

3. No member of the General Executive Council, permanent or full-time officer or
permanent or full-time member of the staff of the Union, or retired officer or
member of the staff of the Union, or any member who is in receipt of a pension
from any of the funds of the Union, and no member who is employed on Union
business on a full-time basis with remuneration paid from funds which are
raised from special contributions paid by Branch members as distinct from
Union contributions, shall be eligible for nomination and election as a delegate
to the Rules Conference.

4. The General Executive Council shall be represented at the Rules Conference
by not more than three of its members, and its representatives may speak but
shall not vote on any question arising.

5. Each delegate shall hold office until the next ordinary Rules Conference.

6. Motions to amend the rules may be moved at the instance of branches,
Regional Trade Group or District or National Trade Group or sector
committees, regional committees or the General Executive Council. The
General Secretary shall send not later than March 31 in the year of each
ordinary Rules Conference to each Branch an invitation to forward motions to
amend the rules for the agenda of such Conference. No motion to amend the
rules shall be placed upon the agenda of the Rules Conference unless
despatched to reach the General Secretary within a period of six weeks of the
date of the circular issued by the General Secretary inviting the submission of
motions to amend the rules. [ page12]

7. The agenda, subject to such grouping or verbal revision as the General
Executive Council may deem advisable, shall be issued to the delegates, to the
branches and to all national and regional authorities, at least three weeks
before the Rules Conference is due to meet, and no subject not included on the
agenda shall be discussed without the permission of the Rules Conference, or
unless the Standing Orders Committee report it to be a matter of urgency.

8. Not less than six tellers and six scrutineers shall be appointed at each Rules
Conference from among the delegates present.

9. The Standing Orders Committee shall consist of six members, elected by, and
from the Rules Conference and holding office until the next conference. They
shall be eligible for re-election. Casual vacancies on the Standing Orders
Committee shall be filled from the candidates not elected at the previous
election in the order of the votes recorded. The Committee shall give special
consideration to all matters of urgency referred to them and make such
recommendations regarding the same and for the conduct of the business of
the Rules Conference as they shall deem fit. They may advise the suspension
or modification of any standing order. They shall be responsible for the
examination of the credentials of all delegates and shall report the result to the
Rules Conference. Members of the General Executive Council shall not be
eligible to serve as members of the Standing Orders Committee.

10. The Rules Conference shall have power to formulate such standing orders as it
shall deem fit.

11. The cost of any Rules Conference shall be met from the general funds.

12. Each delegate to the Rules Conference shall receive payment in accordance
with the rates laid down by the General Executive Council.

13. A Special Rules Conference may be called by the General Executive Council.
Such Conference shall only deal with the business for which it is summoned.


1. For the general administration of the Union's business there shall be a General
Executive Council.

2. The General Executive Council shall be

Video-ed in session. This is a serious suggestion by two or three people who used to be on it.
The detail of how people behave, such as knowing the agenda in advance when it hasn't been circulated, say more than the detailed rules.

constituted as follows:-

in some sensible way?

(a) One representative from each territorial region with a membership of
50,000 or less; two representatives from each territorial region with a
membership of more than 50,000 up to 150,000; and three representatives
from each territorial region with a membership of more than 150,000. The
number of territorial representatives shall be determined on the membership of [ page13]
each region as at the end of the June quarter in the year immediately preceding
the year in which the General Executive Council takes office.
In the event of a region becoming entitled to more than one territorial
representative the General Executive Council may, if deemed desirable, divide
the region into constituent parts and allocate to the said parts the
representation of the region as in the opinion of the General Executive Council
seems just. A regional territorial representative shall not at the same time
represent a Regional Trade Group or District Committee on the Regional

Where a territorial region has a women's membership of 10,000 or more as at
the end of the June quarter in the year immediately preceding the year in which
the General Executive Council takes office it shall be entitled to an additional
representative who shall be a woman.
Where a territorial region has a Black & Asian ethnic minority membership of
5,000 or more as at the end of the June quarter in the year immediately
preceding the year in which the General Executive Council takes office it shall
be entitled to an additional representative who shall be a Black & Asian ethnic
minority member. The General Executive shall define such categories of
members in accordance with the Union’s equal opportunities policy as from
time to time determined by them.

(b) Representatives from each National Industrial Sector as follows:

(i) Manufacturing – 4 representatives
(ii) Services – 4 representatives
(iii) Transport – 4 representatives
(iv) Food and Agriculture – 2 representatives

The General Executive Council shall divide the National Industrial Sectors into
constituent parts based on National Trade Groups or combinations of National
Trade Groups as in the opinion of the General Executive Council seem just.
The General Executive Council has determined that these constituencies will

(i) Manufacturing –
Vehicle Building & Automotive –1 seat
Power & Engineering – 1 seat
Chemical Oil and Rubber – 1 seat
Textiles – 1 seat

(ii) Services-
Administrative, Clerical, Technical and
Supervisory Staffs - 1 seat
Public Services – 1 seat
Building and Construction (including Building Crafts) – 1
General Workers – 1 seat [ page14]

(iii) Transport-
Civil Air Transport – 1 seat
Road Transport (Commercial) – 1 seat
Passenger – 1 seat
Docks & Waterways – 1 set

(iv) Food and Agriculture –
Agricultural and Allied Workers – 1 seat
Food, Drink & Tobacco - 1 seat

(c) One National woman representative.

(d) One National Black or Asian ethnic minority representative.

No person shall accept nomination to represent more than one category of
Executive Representative as referred to in this clause. No permanent or
full-time officer or member of the permanent or full-time staff of the Union, or
retired officer or member of the staff of the Union, or any member who is in
receipt of a pension from any of the funds of the Union, and no member who is
employed on Union business on a full-time basis with remuneration paid from
funds which are raised from special contributions paid by Branch members as
distinct from Union contributions, shall be eligible for nomination.

3. Territorial representatives on the General Executive Council shall be elected
and hold office for a period of two years, and shall be eligible for re-election.
Each candidate for election to represent a region or a part of a region as may
be determined by the General Executive Council under Clause 2(a) of this Rule
shall be nominated by a Branch or branches within that region or that part of a
region as the case may be and such nominated member must have been a
financial member of this Union for at least two years immediately preceding the
date of nomination. A Branch shall only be entitled to make such number of
nominations as there are members to be elected from that region or part
thereof. In a territorial region which is entitled to an additional representative
who must be a woman, as provided for under Clause 2(a) of this Rule, a
Branch shall also be entitled to make a further nomination and such nominated
member must have been a financial member of this Union for at least two years
immediately preceding the date of nomination. In a territorial region which is
entitled to an additional representative who must be a Black or Asian ethnic
minority member, as provided for under Clause 2(a) of this Rule, a Branch shall
also be entitled to make a further nomination and such nominated member
must have been a financial member of this Union for at least two years
immediately preceding the date of nomination. Notice of nomination shall be
sent by the Branch Secretary to the General Secretary prior to the date
specified by the General Executive Council in the circular issued to the
branches inviting nominations, which shall be not earlier than the first Monday
in October or later than the first Monday in December in each alternate year.
The voting shall take place and be completed not later than the following
February 14th, and those elected shall take office at the following March [ page15]
meeting of the General Executive Council. Members of a territorial region or of
a part of a region shall be accorded equally an entitlement to vote in the
election for a representative from their own territorial region or part thereof (but
no other territorial region or part thereof) to the General Executive Council,
provided that only members possessing not less than 13 weeks membership,
having paid 13 weeks contributions and not being more than 13 weeks in
arrears shall be entitled to vote. The method of voting shall be by the marking
of a ballot paper by the person voting and the election shall be organised and
conducted in accordance with the directions from time to time of the General
Executive Council.

4. National Industrial Sector representatives on the General Executive Council
shall be elected and hold office for a period of two years, and shall be eligible
for re-election. Each candidate for election to represent a particular National
Industrial Sector Constituency shall be nominated by a Branch or Branches
consisting wholly or partly of members of the particular National Industrial
Sector Constituency concerned. Only Branch members who are members of
the particular National Industrial Sector Constituency concerned shall have the
right to submit and vote on the names of persons seeking nomination by the
Branch as its candidate for election to represent that particular National
Industrial Sector Constituency. Such nominated member must be a member of
the particular National Industrial Sector Constituency concerned and have been
a financial member of this Union for at least two years immediately preceding
the date of the close of nominations. A Branch shall only be entitled to
nominate one such candidate for each National Industrial Sector Constituency
with membership in that Branch. In all such elections notice of nomination shall
be sent by the Branch Secretary to the General Secretary prior to the date
specified by the General Executive Council in the circular issued to the
branches inviting nominations which shall be not earlier than the first Monday in
October or later than the first Monday in December in each alternate year. The
voting shall take place and be completed not later than the following February
14th and those elected shall take office at the following March meeting of the
General Executive Council. Members of a particular National Industrial Sector
Constituency shall be accorded equally an entitlement to vote in the election for
a representative from their own National Industrial Sector Constituency (but no
other National Industrial Sector Constituency) to the General Executive
Council, provided that only members possessing not less than 13 weeks
membership, having paid 13 weeks contributions and not being more than 13
weeks in arrears shall be entitled to vote. The method of voting shall be by the
marking of a ballot paper by the person voting and the election shall be
organised and conducted in accordance with the directions from time to time of
the General Executive Council.

5. The National Woman representative on the General Executive Council shall be
elected and hold office for a period of two years, and shall be eligible for
re-election. Each candidate for election under Clauses 2(c) of this Rule shall
be a woman and shall be nominated by a Branch and such nominated member
must have been a financial member of this Union for at least two years [ page16]
immediately preceding the date of nomination. A Branch shall only be entitled
to nominate one such candidate. Notice of nomination shall be sent by the
Branch Secretary to the General Secretary prior to the date specified by the
General Executive Council in the circular issued to the branches inviting
nominations, which shall be not earlier than the first Monday in October or later
than the first Monday in December in each alternate year. The voting shall take
place and be completed not later than the following February 14th, and those
elected shall take office at the following March meeting of the General
Executive Council. Members who are women shall be accorded equally an
entitlement to vote in the election for such a representative to the General
Executive Council, provided that only women members possessing not less
than 13 weeks membership, having paid 13 weeks contributions and not being
more than 13 weeks in arrears shall be entitled to vote. The method of voting
shall be by the marking of a ballot paper by the women voting and the election
shall be organised and conducted in accordance with the directions from time
to time of the General Executive Council.

6. The National Black or Asian Ethnic Minority Representative on the General
Executive Council shall be elected and hold office for a period of two years, and
shall be eligible for re-election. Each candidate for election under Clauses 2(d)
of this Rule shall be a person who is black or of ethnic minority origin and who
shall be nominated by a Branch. Such nominated member must have been a
financial member of this Union for at least two years immediately preceding the
date of nomination. A Branch shall only be entitled to nominate one such
candidate. Notice of nomination shall be sent by the Branch Secretary to the
General Secretary prior to the date specified by the General Executive Council
in the circular issued to the branches inviting nominations, which shall be not
earlier than the first Monday in October or later than the first Monday in
December in each alternate year. The voting shall take place and be
completed not later than the following February 14th, and those elected shall
take office at the following March meeting of the General Executive Council.
Members who are Black or Asian ethnic minority members will be accorded
equally an entitlement to vote in the election of such a representative to the
General Executive Council, provided that only members possessing not less
than 13 weeks membership, having paid 13 weeks contributions and not being
more than 13 weeks in arrears shall be entitled to vote; and the method of
voting shall be by the marking of a ballot paper by the Black or Asian ethnic
minority member voting and the election shall be organised and conducted in
accordance with the directions from time to time of the General Executive

7. If any vacancy is created on the General Executive Council by death,
resignation or otherwise, a new member shall be elected for the remaining part
of the period of two years for which the General Executive Council was elected,
in the manner provided by these rules for the election of a representative
determined under clause 2 of this rule, as the case may be.

8. Every General Executive Councillor shall receive payment in accordance with [ page17]
the rates laid down by the Biennial Delegate Conference.

9. The General Executive Council shall meet once a quarter. A special meeting of
the General Executive Council may be called when the General Secretary
deems it advisable. Members of the General Executive Council who do not
attend any meeting to which they are summoned shall send a written
explanation of their absence, and if the Council is of opinion the explanation is
not satisfactory, it may declare their office vacant and direct the Region or
National Trade Group which they represent to elect a successor. Any such
member shall have a right of appeal to the Appeals Committee within seven
days after notification of such declaration.

10. At the first meeting of each General Executive Council a Finance and General
Purposes Committee of 8 members shall be elected in a manner to ensure that
each region of the Union is represented. This committee shall meet not less
than once per month. Such Committee shall also act as an emergency
committee, and the Council shall delegate to such Committee all or any of its
powers, other than the power to order or sanction a strike involving the whole of
the members of the Union, or all the members in two or more National
Industrial Sectors, as it may from time to time determine, and may from time to
time modify or revoke such powers.

11. At the first meeting of the General Executive Council in the year following the
year in which the Biennial Delegate Conference is held, there shall be
appointed by and from the members of the Council a Chair whose period of
office shall conform to the period of office of the General Executive Council as
then constituted. The Chair shall preside over all General Executive Council
meetings, see that the business is properly conducted, and sign the minutes of
each meeting when passed. The Chair shall also preside at the Biennial
Delegate Conference, the Rules Conference, and at any special delegate
Conferences which may be held during their term of office, and in addition shall
be a delegate to the Trades Union Congress and Annual Conference of the
Labour Party held during their term of office, and to such other conferences as
the General Executive Council may from time to time determine. The General
Executive Council shall have power to vote an honorarium annually for the
services of the Chair.


(a) The General Executive Council shall transact and overlook the general
business of the Union.

In eight meetings over two years?

It shall see that properly prepared quarterly and annual
statements of account relating to all financial affairs of the Union are presented
at its quarterly meetings, and it may call for the production of any book,
vouchers, or documents.

It shall have powers to direct that special audits or
examinations of the books or finances of any Branch, District, Regional,
National or Sectional Committee (each of which is hereinafter called "a local
authority") shall be made by special auditors appointed by the Council.

Experience proves that fundraisers are not good treasurers: no members' money should be given on their behalf to any political party or charity.

(b) It shall be the sole authority for the endorsement of Union parliamentary
candidates, and shall determine the amount of money to be paid from the [ page18]
political fund in support of each endorsed candidate. No parliamentary
candidate shall be entitled to financial support from the Union unless and until
their candidature has received the endorsement of the General Executive

It shall also be empowered to exercise authority over the endorsement of
candidates for election to local public bodies, but may delegate these powers to
the regional committees. It may also allocate a portion of the income to the
political fund for disbursement by the regional committees in the support of
such candidates as may be endorsed by the said regional committees. The
amount of any grant made towards the expenses of an endorsed candidate
shall be at the sole discretion of the General Executive Council or the Regional
Committee concerned, as the case may be. No candidate for election to a local
public body shall be entitled to financial support from the Union unless and until
their candidature has received the endorsement of the General Executive
Council or the Regional Committee concerned, as the case may be.

(c) It shall overlook the business of the National Industrial Sector or section
and regional committees and district committees set up under the following
Clause (d) and branches, and see that they administer the business of the
Union properly and according to the rules. It shall require reports to be
submitted to it of the work of the National Industrial Sector and section officers
and regional officers. It shall adjust and decide all differences in questions of
administration that arise between branches and regional and all other

(d) It shall have power to organise any new trade group or section and to
provide for any such new group or section special conditions and benefits (if
necessary or desirable) and to establish a District Committee where it shall
deem necessary.

(e) It shall consider all appeals and resolutions addressed to it from
branches, regions and national trade groups or sections and regional, district
and all other committees, and decide thereon. In the case of an appeal being
made by a member, the appeal will be acknowledged by the General Secretary
and concluded within two months of receipt, or within such time as is jointly
determined. It shall decide all questions arising in connection with appeals by
members or branches against decisions of regional committees concerned in
the payment or non-payment of claims for benefit.

13. The General Executive Council shall appoint all permanent and full-time
officers of the Union (who shall have been financial members of this Union for
at least two years immediately preceding the date of application or nomination)
other than the General Secretary, deputy General Secretary and such other
executive officers as from time to time prescribed by the General Executive
Council under rule 14 Clause 3 and trustees, but including all permanent or
full-time secretaries, delegates or other officers of branches. No additional
officers shall be appointed by the General Executive Council until after [ page19]
consultation with the National Industrial Sector and/or either Regional
Committee or Regional Trade Group committee concerned. The General
Executive Council shall fix the salaries attached to each official position. It shall
have power to suspend and/or dismiss any officer.

14. It shall summon the chief officer of a National Industrial Sector to attend any
meetings at which any matter affecting such sector is to be discussed.

15. It shall require reports to be submitted to it of all disputes, and shall take such
action with regard thereto as it shall deem fit.

16. The General Executive Council shall set up the necessary departments for the
proper administration of the business of the Union; allocate officers and
prescribe their powers and duties and terms of employment.


(a) The General Executive Council shall decide how the surplus funds of the
Union shall be invested, and how such investments shall be varied. Such
funds shall be invested in the joint names of the trustees


As under rule 2


All dividends and interests arising therefrom shall be allocated to the provident funds of the Union in such manner as the
General Executive Council shall determine.

(b) The General Executive Council shall have power to raise or borrow
money on any of the properties or securities of the Union by way of mortgage
or otherwise in such manner as they shall think fit.

(c) Notwithstanding any other provision in these rules, the General
Executive Council shall have power to designate part or all of the property in
any existing fund of the union as a Protected Fund and to establish such other
Protected Fund or Protected Funds as it shall determine and to decide what
property belonging to or held in trust for the Union (including therein any
money, securities or other assets) shall be comprised in any such Fund or
Funds. Notwithstanding any other provision in these rules, property which is or
has been comprised in any Protected Fund and the income derived therefrom
shall be precluded from being used for financing strikes, lockouts or other
industrial action, but, save as aforesaid, such property shall otherwise be
applicable for such lawful purposes and objects of the Union as the General
Executive Council may from time to time determine. No property or part of any [ page20]
property which is or has been comprised in a Protected Fund shall be
transferred to any Fund of the Union other than another Protected Fund.
Notwithstanding anything contained in Rule 5 or in Rule 24 or in any other
provision in these rules, no amendment shall be made to this Rule or to any
other provision in these rules which would have the effect of enabling part or all
of any property which is or has been comprised in a Protected Fund or the
income derived from such property to be transferred to or comprised in a Fund
other than a Protected Fund or otherwise to become available for financing
strikes, lock-outs or other industrial action.

18. In addition to any express powers in these rules provided, the General
Executive Council shall have power generally to carry on the business of the
Union, and may delegate such of their powers to the General Secretary as they
may deem necessary, and do such things and authorise such acts, including
the payment of moneys, on behalf of the Union, as they, in the general
interests of the Union, may deem expedient. They shall have power at any
time to negotiate on any matters concerning the interests of the members of
the Union or the interests of Labour generally, and to conclude agreements
with persons and associations not members of the Union. They shall have
power to sanction the payment of money, authorise payment, make levies,
either generally or for particular purposes or districts and generally, within the
rules and the standing decisions of the Biennial Delegate Conference and of
the Appeals Committee, to decide the policy of the Union. They shall have
power to prepare programmes of action and policy generally including strike
and other industrial action provided that before sanctioning a strike of
(a) all the members of the Union or
(b) all the members in two or more national trade
groups they shall obtain the approval of a recalled Biennial Delegate
Conference and act in accordance with the ballot vote taken in consequence of
such approval. The General Executive Council shall have power to sanction
payment of benefit in respect of any strike (other than a strike involving the
whole of the members of the Union) and in respect of any lockout. They shall
have power to expend moneys on any of the purposes authorised by these
rules, or on any other purpose which, in their opinion, is expedient in the
interests of the Union or its members, including the right to expend moneys on
the legal assistance of the members or officers, their family members or their
dependants, whether in bringing or defending actions or prosecutions in all
cases where they may deem fit, and such other legal action as, in their opinion,
may be necessary to protect the interests of the Union. They may likewise
institute or defend proceedings or authorise the general trustees to institute or
defend legal proceedings, against persons who are or who are not members of
the Union. They may send delegates or deputations to represent the Union, for
any purpose they think fit, and shall have power to suspend, expel or impose
any other penalty on any member, Branch, local authority or other
administrative section of the Union for such reasons and on such terms as they
deem expedient and their decisions, save as herein provided, shall be final and
conclusive for all purposes provided that every member, Branch or local
authority shall have the right, in the case of an individual member within seven
days and in all other cases within 14 days, of the date of notification of the [ page21]
decision of the General Executive Council to give notice of appeal, and to
appeal to the Appeals Committee, and until the hearing of such appeal the
decision of the Council shall be binding.

19. The General Executive Council may delegate to any committee constituted
under these Rules such of their powers as are necessary or expedient and
consistent with the powers and duties of such committee as in these rules
provided, and may modify or revoke such powers from time to time.

20. Notwithstanding anything to the contrary, and in addition to the powers already
given, the General Executive Council shall, where they consider it in the
interests of the Union or of the Labour Movement generally, have power to
negotiate and enter into agreements with any group or groups of individuals
concerning the terms of membership of any industrial sector or trade group or
section or subsection of the Union, including the amount of entrance fees,
scales of contributions, fines and benefits governing said membership.

21. Except as may be otherwise provided in these rules, the General Executive
Council shall in all things act for and in the name of the Union; and all acts and
orders under the powers delegated to them shall have the like force and effect
as the acts and orders of the Union at any general meeting. It shall be the duty
of the General Executive Council to keep themselves informed as to the
general administration of the Union; to exercise a general supervision over the
keeping of the accounts; and to verify, from time to time, any cash balances in
the hands of the secretary and other officers.


1. For the purpose of conducting the industrial business of the Union there shall
be for each National Industrial Sector, as specified in Rule 3, Clause 6, a
National Industrial Sector Committee which shall hold office for the same period
as the General Executive Council, as laid down in Rule 6, Clauses 3 and 4.

2. Each National Industrial Sector Committee shall overlook and co-ordinate for
such Trade Groups as determined by the General Executive Council all matters
relating to industrial organisation and recruitment.

3. Each National Industrial Sector Committee shall be composed of one or more
members from each National Trade Group Committee as specified in Rule 3,
clause 6. Women’s representation shall be proportionate to the respective
membership of the National Industrial Sector. Black and Asian ethnic minority
representation shall be proportionate to the respective membership of the
National Industrial Sector.

4. The representatives of each National Industrial Sector elected to the General
Executive Council in accordance with Rule 6, Clause 4 will become a full [ page22]
member of the relevant National Industrial Sector Committee and the relevant
National Trade Group Committee.

5. Each National Industrial Sector Committee shall meet every twelve months, or,
with the consent of the General Executive Council, at any other times. Any
members of the Committee failing to attend any meeting shall send a written
explanation of their absence, and if the Committee is of the opinion that the
explanation is not satisfactory it may declare their office vacant and direct the
National Trade Group Committee which the member represents to elect a

6. For the purpose of conducting the trade group or section business of the Union
there shall be for each Trade Group or Section, as specified in Rule 3, Clause
6, a National Committee which shall hold office for the same period as the
General Executive Council, as laid down in Rule 6, Clauses 3 and 4.

7. Each National Trade Group Committee shall transact and overlook for its
membership the Union’s business as affecting membership relating to pay;
hours and working conditions and other questions pertaining thereto.

8. Each National Trade Group Committee shall be composed of one or more
members from each Regional Trade Group or Section Committee, and shall be
elected by members of the Regional Trade Group or Section Committee by
show of hands. Where a District Committee system operates in place of group
or section committees, the Regional Committee shall determine the method of
selecting representatives for the National Trade Group Committees. Only
members of the Committee (and/or the Branch as the case may be) directly
affected by the group or section concerned shall have the right to nominate and
vote. Women’s representation shall be proportionate to the respective
membership of the Regional Trade Group. Black and Asian ethnic minority
representation shall be proportionate to the respective membership of the
Regional Trade Group.

9. Each National Trade Group Committee shall meet every three months, or, with
the consent of the General Executive Council, at any other times. Any
members of the Committee failing to attend any meeting shall send a written
explanation of their absence, and if the Committee is of opinion that the
explanation is not satisfactory it may declare their office vacant and direct the
Regional Trade Group Committee which the member represents to elect a

10. Each member of the National Industrial Sector or National Trade Group
Committee shall receive payment in accordance with the schedule laid down by
the General Executive Council. [ page23]


1. For the purpose of locally administering the general business of the Union there
shall be a Regional Committee for each region which shall hold office for the
same period as the General Executive Council as provided in Rule 6, Clauses
3 to 6.

2. Regional Committees shall be composed of representatives of each of the
Regional Trade Group or District Committees. The members of the Regional
Trade Group or District Committees shall elect in manner laid down by the
General Executive Council delegates to serve on the Regional Committee.
Women’s representation shall be proportionate to the respective membership
of the Regional Trade Group or District Committee. Black and Asian ethnic
minority representation shall be proportionate to the respective membership of
the regional Trade Group or District Committee.

3. The Regional Committee shall meet once a quarter or oftener if, in the opinion
of the Regional Secretary, the business renders it necessary or by requisition of
a majority of the members. The Regional Secretary is responsible for
convening all meetings. A requisitioned meeting should be convened for a date
within four weeks of receipt of the requisition, or, if that is not reasonably
practicable, the earliest date which is.

4. The powers and duties of the Regional Committee shall include the
organisation of groups within the region, the coordination of the work of the
various Regional Trade Groups and Sections, the conduct of necessary
propaganda, the administration of such business of the Union as affects all
sections of the membership in the region, such as general industrial
movements, educational work, political administration, etc., the consideration of
any dispute arising in the region and reporting thereon to the General Executive
Council, with suggestions as to arrangements for the mutual support of
respective sections when necessary, and on disputes arising out of the
non-payment of benefits.

5. Each member shall receive payment in accordance with the schedule laid down
by the General Executive Council.

6. The Regional Committee shall have power to appoint one or more
sub-committees from among its members and, except where otherwise
determined by the General Executive Council, shall have the power to delegate
to any such sub-committee all or any of its powers including therein the conduct
of hearings, appeals, inquiries, investigations or any other proceedings or
functions whatever which it is authorised by these Rules to undertake.


1. For the purpose of conducting the trade group business of the Union there shall
be a Regional Trade Group or District Committee for each of the trade groups [ page24]
in each region which shall hold office for the same period as the General
Executive Council as provided in Rule 6, Clauses 3 to 6.

2. For the Regional Trade Group or District Committee the method of election
shall be organised and conducted in accordance with the directions from time
to time of the General Executive Council.

3. The size of the Regional Trade Group or District Committee shall be
determined by the General Executive Council after consultation with the
Regional Committee. Women’s representation shall be proportionate to the
respective membership of the Regional Trade Group or District. Black and
Asian ethnic minority representation shall be proportionate to the respective
membership of the Regional Trade Group or District.

4. The Regional Trade Group or District Committee shall meet at least once every
three months. Special meetings may be convened in consultation with the
Regional Secretary.

5. The Regional Trade Group or District Committee shall be consulted upon and
advise as to all matters directly affecting the interests of the group.

6. Officials of the group shall attend committee meetings and submit reports on
questions of organisation, wage movements, and other matters connected with
the industries covered by the Committee.

7. Each member of the Regional Trade Group or District Committee shall receive
payment in accordance with the schedule laid down by the General Executive


1. The Union shall be divided into Branches, each of which shall consist of not
less than fifty members, except by special permission of the General Executive
Council. Should the membership of a Branch fall below the minimum number
of fifty, the members shall be attached to such Branch as the General
Executive Council, after consultation with the Regional Trade Group or District
Committee concerned, may direct.

2. The Regional Committee shall be required to ensure that each branch meets at
regular intervals and fulfils its obligations under Rule.

What did that mean?

Where a branch fails to
convene an Annual General Meeting of all members that branch will be

So this freemasonary of self-election committees, re-electing themselves on a show of four or five hands, breaks the current rules: if every member of the branch can't turn-up then the implication is that there should be no branch or maybe a ballot.

and members of the branch shall be allocated to a branch which
meets the requirements of rule subject to the right of the branch to appeal to
the General Executive Council.

This sort of meeting in the Company Car Park hasn't happened in years has it?
Surely all branches are now breaking this rule and should be suspended until they prove that they hold online ballots from tommorrow using or similar,
all committees elected by branches ... and so-on.

3. Where deemed desirable for organisational and/or administrative reasons the
Regional Committee shall be empowered, after consultation with the [ page25]
appropriate Regional Trade Group or District Committee, to merge branches,
subject to the right of the branches concerned to appeal to the General
Executive Council whose decision shall be final.


(a) Each Branch subject as hereinafter mentioned shall have for its
management a Chair and Secretary, and a committee. Branches requiring
additional officers shall submit their requests to the Regional and/or Trade
Group or District Committee, which shall make recommendations to the
General Executive Council for authorisation. Except in the case of a new
Branch, or with the consent of the Regional Committee, the Chair, Secretary
and committee members respectively, shall have been financial members of
the Union for a period of not less than two years immediately preceding the
date of nomination, and each of them shall be nominated at least four weeks
before the date of election. Every officer must at all times be a financial
member. If, in the case of any Branch, the General Executive Council shall
arrange for the secretarial duties of such Branch to be performed by a
permanent or full-time officer, the Branch shall not, so long as such
arrangement continues, be entitled to elect a Branch Secretary.

This only makes sense if all branch members are standing next to each other

(b) Branch officers (other than permanent or full-time officers, who shall be
appointed by the General Executive Council only, and who shall hold office in
accordance with the terms of such appointment) and committees shall hold
office for two years. [assuming a full meeting of every branch member under rule 10.2]
They, (other than such permanent or full-time officers as
aforesaid) shall be elected at a Branch meeting by show of hands, or by ballot,
if so decided by the meeting
. The election shall take place and be completed
not later than December 31 in each alternate year, and the elected candidates
shall take office the following January for two years. Casual vacancies may be
filled at an ordinary Branch meeting, but notice of the impending election must
be given to members of the Branch on the notice convening the meeting.

(c) The Regional Secretary, branch officers, and all officials authorised by
the General Executive Council or the Finance and General Purposes
Committee shall be at liberty to inspect the Branch books

The law says that any member can do this but the Certification Office seems to be refusing to enforce the law in King & King v Transport & General

at any time, and the
cards of the members present at any Branch meeting.

(d) A complete list giving the names and addresses of all the branch officers
and/or committee members elected by the Branch shall be sent to the regional
office and to the Regional Trade Group secretary by the Branch Secretary
before the end of January in each alternate year on the form provided, and all
alterations caused by casual vacancies shall be similarly notified forthwith.

(e) The branch officers shall use the books, stationery, and forms provided
by the General Executive Council, keep them uniformly, and produce them
when called for by the Regional Secretary or any other duly authorised person.

5. Collectors and/or shop stewards may be appointed by a Branch subject to the
right of members to elect shop stewards in the following paragraph and subject
to the approval of the General Executive Council, whose duty shall be to record [ page26]
payments made in the book provided, and pay into the Branch the actual
amounts collected at least once a week.

What were they doing at the rules conference in 2004 if they left all this in?

For the purpose of representing membership on matters affecting their
employment, a shop steward or equivalent representative shall be elected by
the membership in a defined working area, or at a Branch meeting, by a show
of hands or ballot as may from time to time be determined.

Elections shall take place at least once every two years and the membership
concerned may require to have special elections or elections at defined periods
within this period. The representative so elected shall be in compliance and act
in accordance with Union Rules and Policies. Details of elected
representatives shall be submitted to the District Officer of the Union who will
be required to notify the employer concerned and report the details to the
appropriate District Committee and Regional Committee for its ratification.
The Regional Committee or its authorised sub-committee may have authority to
withdraw credentials of a shop steward or equivalent representative in
circumstances where it is considered that the representative is not acting in
accordance with Union Rules and Policy, subject to the right of appeal as
provided for in these rules.

Shop stewards shall receive the fullest support and protection from the Union,
and an immediate inquiry shall be undertaken by the appropriate trade group or
District Committee into every case of dismissal of a shop steward with a view to
preventing victimisation, either open or concealed.

6. Where it may be necessary to make payments to collectors or shop stewards
or other Branch officers by way of remuneration such payments shall be made
by the Branch secretary in accordance with regulations issued by the General
Executive Council, which regulations shall have regard to existing practice.
This Clause shall not relate to permanent or full-time branch officers, whose
remuneration shall be paid in accordance with the regulations of the General
Executive Council for the time being.


(a) The duties of a Branch Chair shall be to preside at all meetings of the
Branch, and conduct the business with propriety and order. The Chair shall
sign all minutes of the Branch and all official documents, and, through the
secretary, order special meetings of the Branch when necessary. The Chair
shall supervise the working of the Branch and all its officers, and have the right
to inspect all Branch books and documents. The Chair shall, at every meeting,
read aloud to the meeting the receipts for all moneys forwarded to the central
office since the date of the last previous meeting.

(b) If a Branch Chair's conduct be deemed unsatisfactory, the Branch
secretary shall, on the instructions of the Branch, convene a special meeting (of
which fourteen days notice shall be given) to investigate the matter giving rise
to the complaint. The Chair whose conduct is the subject of investigation shall [ page27]
be given seven days notice of the said special meeting with an invitation to be
present. If the Chair's conduct be found by such meeting to be unsatisfactory,
the Branch shall remove the person from office and, if necessary, elect a
temporary Chair pending the Branch Chair's appeal, or elect a new Chair to
complete the term of office.
An appeal under this Clause shall be to the Regional Committee and from a
decision of the Regional Committee to the General Executive Council. Notice
of appeal must be in writing, and sent to the Regional Secretary or General
Secretary, as the case may be, within seven days from the date of the receipt
of notification of the decision.

(c) Notwithstanding the foregoing, if a Branch Chair's conduct be deemed
unsatisfactory, the General Executive Council may remove the person from
office and instruct the Branch to appoint a temporary Chair pending the Branch
Chair's appeal, or to elect a new Chair to complete the term of office.
An appeal under this Clause shall be to the Appeals Committee. Notice of
appeal must be in writing and sent to the General Secretary within seven days
of the appellant's removal from office.

8. All contributions or other moneys that are received by the Branch Secretary
directly or through collectors, shall be remitted to the Regional Office or Central
Office, as the case may be, within three days after receipt by the Branch
Secretary, irrespective of any resolution past to the contrary by a Branch or any

9. Two auditors (who shall be members of the Union) shall, if deemed necessary
by the General Executive Council, be elected at each biennial Branch meeting,
and they shall audit the accounts of the Branch quarterly and certify the
quarterly return. No Branch Officer may act as auditor.

10. All documents received from the Central or Regional Office of the Union shall
be read and considered at meetings of branches, and shall be regarded as
private and confidential, and shall not be published or made public property
without the consent of the General Executive Council or General Secretary.
Offending members shall be dealt with by the Branch committee or the General
Executive Council.

11. No meeting shall be held in any place where intoxicants are sold if any other
place is obtainable at a reasonable rent.

12. The following shall be the order of business at each meeting:-

All gesture politics, statements of opinion and general support should be done after practical and financial union business and a short break.

(a) Attendance and apologies for absence
(b) Roll of Officers
(c) Propositions for membership
(d) Minutes of previous branch meeting for approval and signing by the Chair [ page28]
(e) Matters arising from the proceedings of the previous branch meeting
(f) Secretary’s finance report, including report of monthly Administration
Allowance and approval of branch expenditure
(g) Secretary’s report of member recruitment and organisation
(h) Reports of elected shop stewards, or staff representatives, branch
delegates and other reports of interest to the members.
(i) Correspondence
(j) Any report of infringement of the rules
(k) Arrangements for the communication of matters of interest to members,
including notice of next branch meeting.

13. Any members causing a quarrel, swearing, or using bad language at any of the
meetings shall be ordered to leave the meeting and be suspended until an
apology is given.

Particularly the vile words XXXX ##### and *****
The foul words ~~~~~~~~~~~~~ $$$$$$$ and @@@@@@@ shall be allowed only after consumption of intoxicants.

The distinction between vile and foul words may be varied according to local practice in particular regions or trades.

Any local or trade variation of the rule shall be subject to approval by the womens committee, the lesbian and gay committee, and the black and ethnic minority committee, subject to local meeting space being available at reasonable rent. Subject to their approval, foul or vile words by be used sober or intoxicated alongside the names of those who have been carting money out of the union these past fifty years instead of doing anything it says in these rules, and the judges at the Certification Office who don't enforce the democratic part of the rule book in cases like King & King v TGWU

14. When any motion has been decided upon, no one shall speak upon the subject
any longer.

why was this left-in in 2004? Surely illegal?

15. All fines collected appertaining to these rules shall be remitted with the weekly
takings and placed in the general fund. Fines imposed for violation of working
rules may be retained by the Branch.

16. Remuneration shall only be paid to branch officers upon the conditions duly
authorised by the General Executive Council, which shall give each Branch or
District consideration according to conditions prevailing and in consultation with
the respective Regional Committees. This Clause shall relate only to Branch
officers elected by the Branch.

17. Should not less than fifty persons desire to form a new Branch of the Union, or
not less than twenty in any place where no Branch exists, they shall apply to
the General or Regional Secretary for a form of application, which, when filled
in, shall be forwarded to the Central Office for endorsement by the General
Executive Council. If so endorsed such persons shall be admitted as members
and the Branch shall then be constituted.

18. Should any Branch secede from the Union, or the Branch Secretary be
removed from office under Rule 11, Clause 10, or suspended under Rule 11,
Clause 11, the officers of such Branch shall immediately hand over to the
General Secretary, or any official authorised by the General Secretary, all
moneys, books, papers, documents, furniture, and other property of the Union
in the possession of such Branch. Legal proceedings shall forthwith be taken
against any Branch Officer refusing to comply with this rule.

19. Any Branch may affiliate to the Trades Council and/or Labour Party in its own
town or district subject to agreement by the Regional Committee and the
sanction of the General Executive Council. [ page29]

20. Any member violating any working rules, registration, or bylaws, disseminating
false statements or any rumour which tends to depreciate the organisation, its
officers, or any section appertaining to the Union, or circulating any business of
the Union to unauthorised persons without authority, or who has incited,
assisted in, or committed any act of discrimination including harassment, on the
grounds referred to in rule 2, clause 2 (d), or who is guilty of other forms of
misconduct, shall be fined a sum not exceeding £50, or otherwise dealt with by
the Branch or authorised committee of the Union as may be deemed fit.


(a) Complaints against the conduct of members may be dealt with by the
Branch, Branch Committee (where so determined by the Branch), Divisional
Committee, Regional Committee or the General Executive Council. A member
whose conduct is the subject of inquiry shall be given notice of the complaint in
writing with an intimation of the member's right to be present at the hearing.

(b) If a Branch, Branch Committee or Divisional Committee, as the case
may be, imposes a fine for misconduct, or for any of the offences specified in
Clause 20, the member shall have a right of appeal to the Regional Committee,
whose decision shall be final. Notwithstanding the foregoing provision a
Regional Committee shall have power to impose fines for misconduct provided
that in the event of a fine being imposed by a Regional Committee, a member
shall have a right of appeal to the General Executive Council, whose decision
shall be final.

(c) Notice of appeal under preceding Clause (b) must be in writing and sent
to the Regional Secretary or the General Secretary, as the case may be, within
fourteen days from the date of receipt of notification of the fine, and the appeal
shall be heard at the first meeting of the Regional Committee or the General
Executive Council, as the case may be, held following the receipt of such

(d) Where a question of expulsion arises for misconduct, or for any of the
offences specified in Clause 20, the investigation shall be conducted by the
Regional Committee who shall make recommendations to the General
Executive Council. A member whose conduct is the subject of complaint, shall
be given notice of the investigation in writing and afforded an opportunity of
appearing before the Regional Committee. The General Executive Council
may act upon the recommendation of the Regional Committee or make further
investigation or take such steps, as, in the opinion of the General Executive
Council, seem just.

22. Without prejudice to any other ground of expulsion contained in these rules,
any member, or members, of the Union who, in the opinion of the General
Executive Council shall have injured or attempted to injure the Union, or
worked or acted contrary to the interests at the Union or its members, or whose
conduct shall have been otherwise inconsistent with the duties of a member of
this Union, may be fined a sum not exceeding £50 and if holding office
removed therefrom, or may be expelled by the General Executive Council from [ page30]
the Union and shall thereupon, subject to the right of appeal as in these rules
provided, cease to be a member thereof.


1. The Branch Secretary shall attend all the meetings of the Branch, and shall
enter all contributions in the book provided for that purpose.

2. The Secretary shall keep the accounts of the Branch in a clear and intelligible
manner, and keep all documents, accounts, books, receipts and papers
(including the receipts from the central or regional office of previous weekly or
fortnightly income, and hand the same to the Branch Chair to be read at the
following meeting of the Branch) belonging to the Branch in such form, manner,
and place as the Branch, with the consent of the General Secretary, shall
appoint, and shall conduct such correspondence as belongs to their office.

Online then

3. The Branch Secretary shall draw up and furnish the Chair with a programme of
the business to be brought before each meeting.

4. The Branch Secretary is legally responsible for all moneys and property of the
Union passing through their hands.

5. The Branch Secretary shall immediately comply with Rule 10, Clause 8, as to
moneys received.

6. The Branch Secretary shall notify all members in arrears in the manner
prescribed by the General Executive Council.

7. The Branch Secretary shall summon all meetings of the Branch. A written
notice, authorised by the Chair and posted in the Branch room and other
suitable places two weeks before the quarterly meeting takes place, shall be
deemed sufficient notice for such meeting.
Summoned or special meetings must be convened by the Branch secretary
whenever notice is received from the General Secretary, the Branch
Committee, or from the members of the Branch, on the following basis: In the
case of a Branch where the membership is under 1,000, on the signature of 5
per cent of the members with a minimum of twenty members; Over 1,000, on
the signature of fifty members.
The summons must state the nature of the business and the time and place of
the meeting.


(a) The Branch Secretary shall prepare at the end of each quarter a report
containing a detailed account of the income and expenditure, as provided for in
the forms supplied; the number of members in arrears, with the amount owing
by them; the membership of the Branch; the number expelled, dead, [ page31]
transferred, and the number and names of those admitted during the quarter,
with a statement of the financial position of the individual members of the
Branch, together with any other detailed information required at the central or
regional office from time to time. Such reports shall be signed by the Branch

Needs to be a note of how branch secretaries can get data off the database

(b) The Branch Secretary shall comply with Rule 10, Clause 4 (e).

9. If elected by a Branch, the Branch Secretary must give a month's notice before
resigning. except in the case of death conscription intoxication or the use of foul language


(a) If a Branch Secretary's conduct be deemed unsatisfactory, the Branch
shall appoint a committee of inquiry consisting of not less than three or more
than five members (one of whom shall be an officer), who shall have power to
demand from the secretary all books, papers, and other property of the Union;
and shall investigate and report to a meeting of the Branch specially convened
by such committee (of which fourteen days notice shall be given).

(b) If the Secretary's conduct shall be found by such meeting to be
unsatisfactory, the meeting shall, if necessary, elect a temporary Secretary
pending the Branch Secretary's appeal, or elect a new Secretary to complete
the term of office.
An appeal under this Clause shall be to the Regional Committee and from a
decision of the Regional Committee to the General Executive Council. Notice
of appeal must be in writing and sent to the Regional Secretary or General
Secretary, as the case may be, within seven days from the date of the receipt
of notification of the decision.

(c) Notwithstanding the foregoing, if a Branch Secretary's conduct be
deemed unsatisfactory, the General Executive Council may remove the person
from office and instruct the Branch to appoint a temporary Secretary pending
the Branch Secretary's appeal or to elect a new Secretary to complete the term
of office.
An appeal under this Clause shall be to the Appeals Committee. Notice of
appeal must be in writing and sent to the General Secretary within seven days
of the appellant's removal from office.
Secretary in this Clause means a member following their employment, and not
a full-time or permanent Secretary appointed by the General Executive Council.
In the event of a Branch having a complaint to make respecting the accounts
or conduct of a full-time or permanent Secretary, a full report thereof shall be
immediately forwarded both to the Central and Regional Offices.

11. Should the Executive Finance Director have cause to complain of the conduct
of a Branch Secretary in the execution of the duties in-so-far as they relate to
the keeping of the Branch accounts and the handling of the moneys of the [ page32]
Union, the Executive Finance Director shall bring the matter before the notice
of the General Secretary who may suspend the Branch Secretary forthwith and
demand the return of all books, papers, moneys and other property of the
Union held by the Secretary, and submit the matter to the next meeting of the
Finance and General Purposes Committee for determination. Should the
Finance and General Purposes Committee uphold the action of the General
Secretary they may remove the Branch Secretary from office and institute such
proceedings against the person as may be deemed advisable and instruct the
Branch to elect a new Secretary to complete the term of office.

12. No payment shall be returned to the Branch or Branch Secretary until the
accounts have been audited and passed by Central Office.

13. The Regional Secretary shall immediately acquaint the Executive Finance
Director of any omission of Branch secretaries to remit money in accordance
with Rule 10 Clause 8. The Executive Finance Director, on receipt of such
information, shall take immediate steps to discover the cause of such omission
and shall act forthwith in conjunction with the Regional Secretary.

14. A Branch whose membership is sufficient may make application to the General
Executive Council for the appointment of a permanent Branch Secretary. The
General Executive Council shall take the matter into consideration, and if the
application is approved by them, shall proceed to appoint some proper person
as the permanent and full-time secretary of such Branch.


1. The General Executive Council may, in matters which in their opinion affect the
interest of the Union, and shall, if a recalled Biennial Delegate Conference
approves a recommendation for a strike involving the whole of the members of
the Union, take a ballot vote of the members of the whole Union. The General
Executive Council may also take a ballot vote of a territorial region or trade
group whose particular interests are concerned.

2. Only members possessing not less than thirteen weeks membership, having
paid thirteen weeks contributions, and not being more than thirteen weeks in
arrears, shall be entitled to vote.

3. In all ballots of the Union to which this rule applies, the method of voting shall

the cheapest broadest method - usually online

by the marking of a ballot paper by the person voting and the election shall
be organised and conducted with the directions from time to time of the
General Executive Council.



There shall be constituted offices as the General Executive Council may decide. [ page33]


1. The officers of the Union, who must all be members in full benefit, and must
have worked in an industry embraced by the Union, shall include:

(1) General Secretary

(2) Executive Officers including

(a) Deputy General Secretary
(b) Assistant General Secretaries
(c) Executive Finance Director and other executive Officers
from time to time determined by the General Executive Council

Equivalent pay skills and conditions to private sector human resources staff

Chosen on merit by a sensible method of selection

(3) National Officials
(4) Regional Secretaries
(5) Regional and District Officers

The ratio of officials to members should be public, with attempts to break-down the reasons for its choice
The web site boasts over 400 staff and over 750,000 members, so that's 1,875 members per employee - maybe three or four thousand working members in more than one branch per official. No wonder they don't answer letters unless they're forwarded by volunteers.
Even in 1922 the rule book talked about allocating one or more officials to a branch. If the avaerage employment cost is £35,000 a year that's only £16 per member per year going on staff, with £6.60 claimed in an interview to be spent on legal services but
possibly coming-back as conditional fees from the other side in cases that are won.

(6) Trustees, Delegates to constitutional committees and Branch officers

2. Should any office become vacant by death or otherwise the General Executive
Council shall have power to decide whether it is necessary to fill the vacancy or

3. The General Secretary, Deputy General Secretary and such other executive
officers as from time to time prescribed by the General Executive Council shall
be elected by ballot vote of the whole members for terms of five years. The
election shall be organised and conducted in accordance with the directions
from time to time of the General Executive Council. Any candidate for such a
position shall have been a financial member of this Union for not less than five
years immediately preceding the date of application. The normal age of
retirement of such officers shall be sixty-five. In the event of the electoral
period of any such officers expiring within five years of the normal age of
retirement that officer need not stand for re-election and shall hold office until
the normal age of retirement.
Each Branch of the Union shall have powers to nominate for the office.


1. The General Secretary shall be elected by a ballot vote of the whole of the
members in accordance with Rule 14 Clause 3, and shall be a paid official of
the Union when elected. The General Secretary shall hold office during the
pleasure of the Union subject to the provisions of Rule 14 Clause 3. The
remuneration for this post shall be fixed by the General Executive Council,
subject to confirmation by the Biennial Delegate Conference. Each Branch of
the Union shall have power to nominate for the office a candidate who shall
have been a financial member of this Union for not less than five years
immediately preceding the date of application. [ page34]

2. The General Secretary shall attend all Biennial Delegate Conferences, the
Rules Conference and the General Executive Council meetings, record the
business, and act generally under the orders of the General Executive Council.
The General Secretary shall have the right to speak on any business at
conferences, or at meetings of the General Executive Council.

3. The General Secretary shall perform all the duties laid down by the General
Executive Council, and shall generally supervise the work of the Union in all

4. The General Secretary shall engage such staff and at such salaries as shall be
determined by the General Executive Council.

5. The Deputy General Secretary shall act on the behalf of the General Secretary
if absent.


1. The Executive Finance Director, who shall on appointment be a member of this
Union and shall be a paid official of the Union. The whole of the Executive
Finance Direstor’s time shall be devoted to the duties of the office. The
remuneration shall be fixed by the General Executive Council, subject to
confirmation by the Biennial Delegate Conference.

2. The Executive Finance Director shall in accordance with Rule 20, clause 1
keep the accounts of the Union, shall make such payments as the General
Executive Council may order, and shall see that all moneys received are
regularly paid into the bank. The Executive Finance Director shall keep and
produce such books, vouchers, and documents as may be required by the
General Executive Council.

3. The Executive Finance Director shall prepare and present to the General
Secretary for submission to the General Executive Council at their quarterly
meetings, and at the end of each financial year, proper accounts of the income
and expenditure of the Union during the period under review, and shall give
such assistance to the auditors of the Union as they shall require.

4. The Executive Finance Director shall make proper provision for the prompt
disbursements of benefits in the regions, through the regional secretaries, and
shall be legally responsible to the Union for all moneys passing through their


I wonder who they are? Whoever they are, they should agree to do everything they can to stop fundraisers controlling any union budget.


1. There shall be three trustees, who shall have been financial members of this [ page35]
Union for at least two years immediately preceding the date of application or
nomination. They shall be elected by the Biennial Delegate Conference by
show of hands from candidates not holding permanent or full-time positions in
the Union and shall hold office during the pleasure of the Union. Any member
of the Union with the requisite membership qualification shall be eligible as a
candidate. Casual vacancies may be filled by the General Executive Council
until the next Biennial Delegate Conference.

2. The funds and property of the Union shall be invested in the joint names of the
trustees and dealt with by them as the General Executive Council shall direct.

3. The office of a trustee may be declared vacant, and the trustee may be
removed from office by the General Executive Council if the incumbent is
considered by the General Executive Council incapable of, or unfit, for the post
of trustee.

4. A trustee may at any time resign the office by tendering their resignation in
writing to the General Secretary.

5. Every resolution appointing a trustee shall be entered on the minutes of the
meeting at which they are appointed.

6. In the event of any of the trustees dying, resigning, or being removed from
office, another shall be elected at the Biennial Delegate Conference to fill the
vacancy, and, pending the filling of such vacancy, the remaining trustees may
in all matters act as the trustees of the Union.

7. All deeds, documents of title, and securities for money of the Union shall be
held by the trustees and they may take such measures for the safe custody
and preservation thereof at the expense of the Union as they shall think fit, and
they shall be responsible for the safe custody of all such deeds, documents,
and securities as are placed in their hands or under their control; shall produce
them for inspection when required by a resolution of a general meeting or of the
General Executive Council; or when required by the auditors of the books and

8. It shall be the duty of any trustee who has resigned or been removed from
office to execute such documents, and take all such other steps as may be
necessary to vest in the trustees, for the time being, of the Union all securities
and other property held by them on behalf of the Union.

9. No trustee shall invest any part of the funds of the Union upon the security of
their own property or otherwise than in accordance with law, or so far as relates
to funds under the private business otherwise than in accordance with Rule 6,
Clause 17. [ page36]


1. All other permanent officials and staff, including all permanent or full-time
branch officers, shall be allocated by the General Executive Council, after
consultation with the respective sector or Regional Committee concerned. In
the creation of new appointments the General Executive Council shall consult
the national industrial sector committees, regional committees, regional trade
group or district committees, or branch, as the case may be, with reference to
the nature and conditions of appointment.

2. Any officer attempting to disrupt the organisation by advocating or threatening
secession, or creating a rival organisation shall not be allowed to hold office in
the Union, and shall be liable to expulsion from membership.


1. All members of the amalgamating unions shall be members of the Union.

2. Persons may be admitted members of the Union, and upon being admitted

All illegal bits of union rules should be deleted from the rule book from tomorrow

All daft controlls on members by the union should be taken as curiosities and unenforcable until formally deleted.

All payments that are not by direct debit shall be allowed for special reasons by the executive council

shall be deemed to agree to abide by the rules of the Union in every respect.
If, in the opinion of the General Executive Council, a person fails to abide by
the rules at any time, that person shall be liable to forfeit membership.

3. All new members shall be issued free of charge with a membership card, they
may also obtain a copy of the Rule Book free of charge. There shall be no
entrance fee. Issue of any subsequent Rule Book shall be charged at a price
to be determined from time to time by the General Executive Council.

4. Membership contributions may be paid manually by the member to a collector,
Branch Secretary or any office from which a full-time official of the Union works,
or by any other method from time to time approved by the General Executive
Council. Persons applying for membership shall state their intended method of
payment. Members who elect to pay manually shall make their first
contributions upon admission.

5. Any member who elects to pay contributions manually shall be issued free of
charge with a contribution card. Issue of any duplicate contribution card may
be charged at a price to be determined by the General Executive Council. All
moneys for cards must be returned by the Branch Secretary to General
Accounts. Cards must be sent into the Branch Secretary when called for.
Each member should see that every payment they have made to an official of
the Union is at once entered by such official on the member's card. Failure to
comply with this may render the member liable to pay twice.

6. In order to encourage payment of contributions by direct debit, the General
Executive Council may relieve members of their obligations to pay contributions
for a period not exceeding 1 month in any twelve month period should they [ page37]
elect to pay their contributions by direct debit. Members shall continue to enjoy
and accrue all the benefits and rights of membership during such period of nonpayment.

7. It shall be the personal responsibility of the member to maintain contributions
and avoid arrears in all circumstances, including sickness and industrial action,
when paying manual or direct debit contribution. When a member is paying
Direct from Wages and a payment is set up between the employer and the
Union, the member is only responsible for checking deductions from their
wages – not ensuring the employer makes the payment. Thus ensuring the
member remains in compliance. The General Executive Council shall
nevertheless have discretion to allow payment of benefits or to confirm
candidature for office should it be satisfied that the member is not in deliberate
or culpable default.

8. The General Executive Council shall have power, on application from the
appropriate committee, to establish by-laws for any particular section, port or
district, governing the admission of new members. Such bylaws shall become
binding on the Branches within the section, port or district, as the case may be,
and so remain until revoked by the General Executive Council.

9. Every member shall contribute at the rate as from time to time determined by
the General Executive Council.

10. Subject to the provisions of Clause 8, the age at which anyone working in an
industry embraced by the Union may become a member shall be decided by
the Regional Trade Group or District Committee or by the national trade group
or section committee.

11. Every member must show their membership card upon being requested to do
so by a regional, Branch, or other authorised officer of the Union, and in default
shall pay such sum as may be decided upon by the Branch to which they
belong, subject to a maximum to be decided from time to time by the General
Executive Council.

12. A financial member is a member with not less than 26 weeks' membership,
having made 26 weekly payments, and who is less than six weeks in arrears.

13. There shall be a category of membership for those members who are unable to
follow employment through old age or permanent disablement. The General
Executive Council shall from time to time determine the qualifications for
membership of this category as well as the level of contributions and
entitlement to benefit. Such membership shall not accord an entitlement to
vote in any Union ballot other than those in which all members must by statute,
be accorded an unconditional entitlement to vote.

14. The General Executive Council may create such further categories of
membership and determine from time to time the level of contributions and [ page38]
benefits of members in those categories. The membership of such categories
shall be entitled to vote in all appropriate Union ballots.

15. The types of benefit, the eligibility for benefits and the amount of benefit shall
be determined from time to time by the General Executive Council.


(a) Any member wishing to transfer to another Branch shall only do so if
clear on the books. The member shall apply to the Secretary of the Branch
they wish to join, who shall forward a form to the Secretary of the Branch the
person then belongs to, who shall fill it in and return. Any Branch Secretary
transferring a member of their Branch without transfer form shall be fined at a
rate to be determined by the General Executive Council.

(b) Any member of another union desiring to transfer shall pay all arrears to
the union the person is about to leave before being accepted as a member; but
owing to the exceptional circumstances prevailing in certain unions the General
Executive Council shall have power to decide transfer arrangements to meet
the conditions. Any disagreement between Branches concerning membership
transfer may be referred to the Regional Committee who shall have the power
to decide transfer arrangements.

17. Any member going to sea shall remain in benefit for a period not exceeding
three months provided that they clear their contribution card to date of sailing
and shall before embarking notify in writing to the Branch Secretary or other
permanent officer the name of their ship and probable period of absence, and
the next Branch meeting shall approve, and the General Executive Council
shall endorse such approval. Such member shall report to the Branch
Secretary or other permanent officer and bring them self into compliance by
paying all arrears within seven days after return. No application for benefit
shall be entertained unless arrears up to the date thereof shall have been paid.

18. Any National Industrial Sector or Regional Trade Group may submit for the
approval of the General Executive Council such by-laws as may be necessary
to govern the conduct of members in connection with working conditions and
the observance of working rules.

19. Notwithstanding anything in these rules the General Executive Council may, by
giving six weeks notice in writing, terminate the membership of any member if
necessary in order to comply with a decision of the Disputes Committee of the
Trades Union Congress.

20. Any member obtaining membership of the Union by false statement material to
their admission into the Union or any evasion in that regard may be expelled
from the Union by decision of the General Executive Council. Any member
obtaining membership of a scale by giving false information will be required to
refund any benefits which may have been paid up to the time of discovery, and
transferred to the appropriate scale with no refund of contributions. [ page39]

21. In the case of members admitted to the Union on a Transfer of Engagements,
the General Executive Council may, if required by the terms of the Instrument
of Transfer, allow them immediate entitlement to any benefits provided, and
may, if the Instrument so provides, guarantee continuance of any benefits to
which such members were entitled under the Transferor Union's rules on the
terms contained in those rules at the time of transfer.

22. A person who is refused membership of the Union or who, whether or not
admitted to membership complaints against any decision or action of a Branch
Officer or other representative of the Union in connection with their admission
or application for admission shall have a right to appeal to the Regional
Committee of the region containing the Branch to which application for
membership was made, and the decision of that Regional Committee on any
such appeal shall be final.


Should be as transparent as technically possible to members, in order to save the cost of auditors


No charitable or political money may be donated on behalf of members, because of the obvious problem of entryism.
All charitable and political donations by members should be made by their personal choice, using systems like Just Giving or the Charities Aid Foundation.
The union may run audited systems so that a single direct debit funds membership and donations.

1. The Union will cause to be kept proper accounting records with respect to its
transactions, assets and liabilities and establish and maintain a satisfactory
system of control of its accounting records, its cash holdings and all receipts
and payments in accordance with Sections 28 and 29 of the Trade Union and
Labour Relations (Consolidation) Act, 1992.

2. The Accounts of the Union shall be audited at lease once a year. The auditor
shall be qualified in accordance with Paragraph 6, Schedule 11 of the Trade
Union and Labour Relations Act, 1974. The appointment and removal of the
auditor shall be subject to the provisions of that schedule.

3. No member or members, or Branch, or any committee of members shall be
permitted to use the name of the Union, or any machinery of the Union, in
connection with any appeal for funds or establishment of any subsidiary benefit
connected with a Branch or district, unless the conditions stated hereunder are
accepted and the requisite official sanction obtained:-

(a) That the accounts of such funds and all documents in connection
therewith shall be open at all times to inspection by the Union accountants.

(b) That in the case of a regional or local appeal the permission and
sanction of the Regional Committee shall be first obtained.

(c) That in the case of a national appeal the permission and sanction of the
General Executive Council shall be first obtained.
Where such funds are properly raised they should be included in the
Consolidated Accounts of the Union and be subject to the requirements in [ page40]
Clauses 1 and 2 of this Rule.

4. In accordance with Section 30 of the Trade Union and Labour Relations
(Consolidation) Act, 1992, any member of the Union has the right to access to
any accounting records of the Union which are available for inspection and
which relate to periods including a time when that person was a member of the


Now that MPs are paid, immediate talks should be held with other party's funders to reduce political donations on all sides in proportion.
The governing party should be threatened with a withrdrawal of Unity Trust Bank loans and an early cut-off of funding unless it outlaws corporate donations to party central offices.
In any case, all party funding should end by the next rules conference in 2010.

1. The objects of the Transport and General Workers' Union shall include the
furtherance of the political objects to which section 72 of the Trade Union and
Labour Relations (Consolidation) Act, 1992, applies, that is to say, the
expenditure of money:-

(a) on any contribution to the funds of, or on the payment of any expenses
incurred directly or indirectly by, a political party;

(b) on the provision of any service or property for use by or on behalf of any
political party;

(c) in connection with the registration of electors, the candidature of any
person, the selection of any candidate or the holding of any ballot by the union
in connection with any election to a political office;

(d) on the maintenance of any holder of a political office;

(e) on the holding of any conference or meeting by or on behalf of a political
party or of any other meeting the main purpose of which is the transaction of
business in connection with a political party;

(f) on the production, publication or distribution of any literature, document,
film, sound recording or advertisement the main purpose of which is to
persuade people to vote for a political party or candidate or to persuade them
not to vote for a political party or candidate.
Where a person attends a conference or meeting as a delegate or otherwise as
a participator in the proceedings, any expenditure incurred in connection with
their attendance as such shall, for the purposes of paragraph (e) above, be
taken to be expenditure incurred on the holding of the conference or meeting.
In determining, for the purposes of paragraphs (a) to (f) above, whether the
trade union has incurred expenditure of a kind mentioned in those paragraphs
no account shall be taken of the ordinary administrative expenses of the union.
In these objects - [ page41]
"candidate" means a candidate for election to a political office and includes a
prospective candidate;
"contribution", in relation to the funds of a political party, includes any fee
payable for affiliation to, or membership of, the party and any loan made to the
"electors" means electors at any election to a political office;
"film" has the same meaning as in section 38 of the Films Act 1960;
"local authority" means a local authority within the meaning of section 270 of
the Local Government Act 1972 or section 235 of the Local Government
(Scotland) Act 1973; and
"political office" means the office of member of Parliament, member of the
Assembly of the European Communities or member of a local authority or any
position within a political party.

2. Any payments in the furtherance of such political objects shall be made out of a
separate fund (hereinafter called the political fund of the union).

3. As soon as practicable after the passing of a resolution approving the
furtherance of such political objects as an object of the Union, the General
Executive Council shall cause a notice in the following form to be given to all
members of the Union in accordance with this rule:-
Trade Union and Labour Relations (Consolidation Act 1992)
A resolution approving the furtherance of political objects within the meaning of
the above Act as an object of the organisation has been adopted by a ballot
under the Act. Any payments in the furtherance of any of those objects will be
made out of a separate fund, the political fund of the organisation but every
member of the organisation has a right to be exempt from contributing to that
fund. A form of exemption notice can be obtained by or on behalf of any
member either by application at, or by post from the general office or any
branch office of the organisation or from the Certification Office for Trade
Unions and Employers' Associations, Brandon House, 180 Borough High
Street, London SE1 1LW.
This form, when filled in, or a written request in a form to the like effect, should
be handed or sent to the secretary of the branch to which the member belongs.
The notice shall be published to members by such methods as are customarily [ page42]
used by the Union to publish notices of importance to members. Insofar as
they are not within such usual practice, the following requirements shall also
apply. The notice shall be published in the Union's main periodical journal
which is circulated to members. A copy of the notice shall be posted up and
kept posted up for at least 12 months in a conspicuous place, accessible to
members, at the office or meeting place of each branch of the Union. The
secretary of each branch shall also take steps to secure that every member of
the branch, so far as is reasonably practicable, received a copy of the notice,
and shall supply a copy to any member on request. The General Executive
Council shall provide the secretary of each branch with a number of copies of
the notice sufficient for these purposes.

4. Any member of the Union may obtain exemption from contributing to the
political fund of the Union by giving notice of exemption in accordance with
Clauses 4 to 6 of this rule. A form of exemption notice may be obtained by or
on behalf of any member either by application at, or by post from, the General
Office or any branch office of the Union or from the Certification Office for
Trade Unions and Employers' Associations, Brandon House, 180 Borough High
Street, London SE1 1LW.

If the default membership charge includes payment into a personal charity and political donation account, exemption may be legally necessary.

5. The form of exemption notice shall be as follows:
I hereby give notice that I object to contribute to the political fund of the
Transport and General Workers' Union and am in consequence exempt, in
manner provided by the Trade Union Act, 1913, from contributing to that fund.
Membership No..............................
Branch No.........................................

Region No........................................ of....................................................... 20.....................
The General Executive Council shall provide a sufficient number of such forms [ page43]
at the Central Office and at each Branch Office of the Union for such members
of the Union as require them; and a copy of such form shall be delivered either
by the General Executive Council or by the Secretary of any Branch to any
member on their request, or on a request made on their behalf either personally
or by post.

6. Any member of the Union may at any time give notice on such form of
exemption notice or on a form to the like effect that the member objects to
contribute to the political fund of the Union. Such notice shall be sent to the
Secretary of the Branch to which the member belongs and on receiving it, the
Secretary shall send an acknowledgement of its receipt to the member at the
address appearing upon the notice, and shall inform the General Secretary of
the name and address of the member.

7. On giving such notice, a member of the Union shall be exempt, so long as their
notice is not withdrawn, from contributing to the political fund of the Union as
from the first day of January next after the notice is given, or, in the case of a
notice given within one month after the date on which a new member admitted
to the Union is supplied with a copy of these rules under Clause 12 hereof, as
from the date on which the member's notice is given.

8. The General Executive Council shall give effect to the exemption of members
to contribute to the political fund of the Union by relieving any members who
are exempt from the payment of part of any periodical contributions required
from the members of the Union towards the expenses of the Union as
hereinafter provided, and such relief shall be given as far as possible to all
members who are exempt on the occasion of the same periodical payment.
For the purpose of enabling each member of the Union to know as respects
any such periodical contribution what portion, if any, of the sum payable by the
member is a contribution to the political fund of the Union, it is hereby provided
that 43% of the first weekly contribution of each quarter shall be the political
fund contribution, of which 8% per quarter shall be allocated to the Regions for
local political purposes.

9. A member who is exempt from the obligation to contribute to the political fund
of the Union shall not be excluded from any benefits of the Union, or placed in
any respect either directly or indirectly under any disability or disadvantage as
compared with other members of the Union (except in relation to the control or
management of the political fund of the Union) by reason of their being so

10. Contributions to the political fund of the Union shall not be made a condition for
admission to the Union.

11. If any member alleges that they are aggrieved by a breach of any of the rules
for the political fund, being a rule or rules made pursuant to section 3 of the
Trade Union Act, 1913, the member may complain to the Certification Officer, [ page44]
and the Certification Officer, after giving the complainant and any
representative of the Union an opportunity of being heard, may, if they consider
that such a breach has been committed, make such order for remedying the
breach as they think just in the circumstances; and (subject to the right of
appeal provided by section 5a of the Trade Union Act, 1913) any such order of
the Certification Officer shall be binding and conclusive on all parties, and on
being recorded in the county court, may be enforced as if it had been an order
of the county court.

12. Any member may withdraw their notice of exemption on notifying a desire to
that effect to the Secretary of their Branch, who shall thereupon send such
member an acknowledgement or receipt of the notification and inform the
General Secretary of the name and address of the member so withdrawing.

13. The General Executive Council shall cause to be printed, as soon as
practicable after the approval of these rules for the political fund of the Union, a
number of copies thereof having at the end copies of the certificates of
approval sufficient for the members of the Union, and a further number for new
members, and shall send to the Secretary of each Branch a number of copies
sufficient for the members of the Branch. The Secretary of each Branch shall
take steps to secure that every member of the Branch, so far as practicable,
receives a copy of these rules, and shall supply a copy to any member at their
request. A copy thereof shall also be supplied forthwith to every new member
on admission to the Union.


The rules for the political fund of the Union contained in Rule 21 shall have effect in
Northern Ireland subject to the following modifications, namely,
Clause 2 shall be omitted therefrom and the following shall be substituted for Clauses 3 to 7 thereof:
3. Under Article 59 of the Trade Union and Labour Relations(Northern Ireland)
Order 1995 no member of the Union in Northern Ireland shall be required to
make any contribution to the political fund of the Union unless they have
delivered as provided in Clause 6, at the central office, or some Branch office of
the Union notice in writing, in the form set out in Clause 4, of their willingness to
contribute to that fund and has not withdrawn the notice in manner provided in
Clause 5. Every member of the Union who has not delivered such a notice or
who, having delivered such a notice, has withdrawn it in manner provided in
Clause 5, is to be deemed for the purpose of these rules to be a member who
is exempt from the obligation to contribute to the political fund of the Union.
4. The form of notice of willingness to contribute to the political fund of the Union
is as follows: [ page45]
Name of Trade Union: Amlagamated Transprot and General Workers’ Union
Name of member’s Branch (if any) …………………………………………
I hereby give notice that I am willing and agree to contribute to the political fund
of the Transport and General Workers' Union and I understand that I shall, in
consequence, be liable to contribute to that fund and shall continue to be so
liable unless I deliver at the central office, or some Branch office, of the Union a
written notice of withdrawal; I also understand that after delivering such a notice
of withdrawal I shall still continue to be liable to contribute to the political fund
until the next following first day of January........................
Name ………………………………………………………………………….
Membership number (if any)..............................................................................
day of..............................................., 20.........................

5. If at any time a member of the Union, who has delivered such a notice as is
provided for in Clauses 3 and 4, gives notice of withdrawal thereof, delivered,
as provided in Clause 6, at the central office or at any Branch office of the
Union, that person shall be deemed to have withdrawn the notice as from the
first day of January next, after the delivery of the notice of withdrawal.

6. The notices referred to in Clauses 3, 4 and 5 may be delivered personally by
the member or by any authorised agent of the member and any notice shall be
deemed to have been delivered at the central or a Branch office of the Union if
it has been sent by post properly addressed to that office.

7. The General Executive Council shall give effect to the exemption of members
to contribute to the political fund of the Union by making a separate levy of
contributions to that fund from the members of the Union who are not exempt
which shall be 43% of the first weekly contribution each quarter.
No moneys of the Union other than the amount raised by such separate levy
shall be carried to the political fund of the Union.

8. Northern Ireland members who are statutorily exempt from the obligation to
contribute to the political fund of the union shall not be excluded from any
benefits of the union, or placed in any respect either directly or indirectly under
any disability of disadvantage as compared with other members of the union
(except in relation to the control or management of the political fund) by reason
of their being exempt. [ page46]

9. Contributuions to the political fund of the union shall not be made a condition of
admission to the union.

10. If any Northern Ireland member alleges that they are aggrieved by a breach of
the rules made pursuant to Article 59 of the Trade Union and Labour Relations
(Northern Ireland) Order 1995 they may complain to the Northern Ireland
Certification Officer, 2 – 8 Gordon Street, Belfast BT1 2LG, under Article 57 (2)
to (4) of that Order.
If, after giving the complainant and a representative of the union an opportunity
to be heard, the Certifidation Officer considers that a breach has been
committed, the Certificatin Officer may make an order fr remedying it as the
Certification Officer thinks just in the circumstances. Under Article 69 of the
1995 Order an appeal against any decision of the Certification Officer may be
made to the Court of appeal on a question of law.
Additionally, if any Northern Ireland member alleges that they are aggrieved by
a breach of the political fund rules made pursuant to section 82 of the Trade
Union and labour Relations (Consolidation) Act 1992 they may complain to the
Certification Officer of Great Britain (COGB), Brandon House, 180 Borough
High Street, London SE1 1LW. If, after giving the complainant and a
representative of the union an opportunity of being heard, the COGB considers
that a breach has been committed, the COGB may make an order for
remedying it as the COGB thinks just in the circumstances. Any such order of
the COGB is subject to the right of appeal provided for by section 82(4) fo the
1992 Act.


The responsibility for the membership of the Republic of Ireland is vested in the Irish
Regional Committee of the Union for compliance with the laws thereof including the
Industrial Relations Act 1990. The following memorandum complies with the
requirement of the Act.

1. The provisions of this rule shall apply notwithstanding any other provision
contained in these rules.

2. In this rule the terms "strike" and "industrial action" shall have the same
meaning as in the Industrial Relations Act 1990.

3. In this rule the term "member" shall have the same meaning as in rule 13.2.

4. The provisions of this rule shall apply to the Republic of Ireland only.

5. The Union shall not organise, participate in, sanction or support a strike or [ page47]
other industrial action without a secret ballot, entitlement to vote in which shall
be accorded equally to all members whom it is reasonable at the time of the
ballot to believe will be called upon to engage in the strike or other industrial

6. The Union shall take reasonable steps to ensure that every member entitled to
vote in the ballot vote without interference from, or constraint imposed by, the
Union or any of its members, officials or employees and, so far as is
reasonable possible, that such members shall be given a fair opportunity of

7. The Amalgamated Transport and General Workers Union shall have full
discretion in relation to organising, participating in, sanctioning or supporting a
strike or other industrial action notwithstanding that the majority of those voting
in the ballot, including an aggregate ballot referred to in paragraph 8 of this
rule, favours such strike or other industrial action.

8. The Amalgamated Transport and General Workers Union shall not organise,
participate in, sanction or support a strike or other industrial action against the
wishes of a majority of the union's members voting in a secret ballot except
where, in the case of a ballot by more that one trade union, an aggregate
majority of all the votes cast favours such strike or other industrial action.

9. Where the outcome of a secret ballot conducted by the Union or in the case of
ballots conducted by the Union and any number of other trade unions which are
affiliated to the Irish Congress of Trade Unions an aggregate majority of all the
votes cast is in favour of supporting a strike organised by another trade union,
a decision to take such supportive action shall not be implemented by the
Union without the sanction of the Irish Congress of Trade Unions.

10. As soon as practicable after the conduct of a secret ballot the Union shall take
reasonable steps to make known to the members of the Union entitled to vote
in the ballot

This looks like a good clause that the Irish government requires - it should be applied to all union elections.

(a) the number of ballot papers issued
(b) the number of votes cast
(c) the number of votes in favour of the proposal
(d) the number of votes against the proposal, and
(e) the number of spoiled votes.

11. Nothing in this rule shall constitute an obstacle to negotiations for the
settlement of a trade dispute nor the return to work by members of the Union
party to the trade dispute, and any decision taken in accordance with this rule
to organise, participate in, sanction or support a strike or industrial action may
be rescinded or amended without the necessity of a further ballot of the
members concerned. [ page48]


The Registration of the Union within the Isle of Man will be confirmed by the full-time
Officer currently residing within the Island and the laws applying thereto including the
Trade Union Act 1991.


No new rule shall be made, nor shall any rule herein contained or hereafter to be
made be amended or rescinded, except in accordance with a resolution duly passed
at a Rules Conference of the Union.

Or by a subcommittee of the National Executive Council that does it anyway.


The Union may be dissolved at any time by the consent of five-sixths of the members
voting at meetings duly summoned for that purpose.


The staff handbook (schedule I) will attempt to provide a controlled workload, pay and conditions at least as good as for human resources workers in the private sector.
The number of members per officer shall be clear to officers and members, and justified in written detail to both.
No official shall be required to spend paid time reading motions, gesture politics or political opinions of any committee.

After 2010 when the purpose of trades groups is more clear to members, trades groups may be organised to help officers.

1. Every candidate for any office in the Union, ie., officers, whether paid or not, or
delegates to a Delegate Conference, the Rules Conference, or for membership
of the General Executive Council, or of a national trade group, or section, or a
Regional Trade Group, or district, or a Regional Committee or other
constitutional committee, shall have been a financial member of this Union for
at least two years immediately preceding the date of application or nomination,
subject to the provisions of Rule 15, Clause 1 and Rule 16, Clause 1 in the
case of the General Secretary, and the Executive Finance Director,
respectively. A candidate must be employed in or in connection with the trade
they desire to represent provided always that for the purpose of suitable and
efficient discharge of the duties of a paid officer, the General Executive Council
may, at its discretion, invite applications from other or all sections of the
membership. A member who becomes unemployed is eligible to stand for
office in the Union after they lose their employment, provided that they still
retain their full membership as required by rule and continue to seek
employment. Members not seeking employment are not eligible.
Notwithstanding this Clause, the General Executive Council shall have the
power to allow members who are beyond the age of retirement to continue in
post as Branch officials.

2. Membership of an organisation which in the opinion of the General Executive
Council is contrary, detrimental, inconsistent or injurious to the policy and
purpose of the Union will render the member liable to be declared ineligible to [ page49]
hold any office within the Union either as a lay-member or as a permanent or
full-time officer, or such other penalties as in the opinion of the General
Executive Council shall seem just.

3. Any member now in office, or any member accepting nomination or being
elected to any office in the Union shall conduct all matters relating to the Union
or the functions and purpose thereof through the Branch or the appropriate
committee or body connected with the Union and only through the Union.
Members violating this rule shall be removed from office and their positions
declared vacant.

4. Permanent officers, members of the General Executive Council and members
of all other constitutional committees of the Union, shall produce their
contribution cards when attending meetings of the council or such committees.

5. Every member holding an official position in the Union, or members of the
General Executive Council, or any other constitutional committee, not being in
compliance as a financial member of the Union as per Rule 19, Clause 12,
shall forthwith cease to hold office in the Union for the term for which they were

6. Any permanent officer not being in compliance as a financial member of the
Union as per Rule 19, Clause 12, shall forthwith cease to hold office in the


Shall be as clearly stated as benefits of commercial insurance.
Officials will have no right of veto over legal aid or other benefits except as made clear to new members when signing-up.
A short cooling-off period before the union lawyer helps a member sue an employer may be written into the shedule, if union officials offer sensible mediation during that period.

It is provided by Rule 19 that the rate of contribution, the types of benefit, the eligibility
for benefits and the amount of benefit shall be determined from time to time by the
General Executive Council.
As a matter of information to members full details of all T&G contributions and all T&G
benefits and services will be published by the General Executive Council from time to
time and distributed to all branches.


(a) Subject to being fully paid up, a member who is called up and is [ page50]
accepted for service with the Armed Forces shall be entitled to deposit their
contribution card and pay no contributions during the period of their call-up.

(b) No benefit shall be payable by the Union during the period the member's
contribution card is deposited, other than funeral benefit in the event of the
decease of the member during the first six weeks.

(c) On leaving the Service at the end of the period of call-up, and provided
the member immediately commences to pay full contributions, they shall
become at once entitled to benefits as per the rules and the Scale to which they
are contributing.

(a) Alternatively, a member who is called up and is accepted for service with
the Armed Forces, who is fully paid up, shall be entitled to reduce their trade
union contribution to 1p per week during the period of their call-up.

(b) A member who reduces their trade union contribution to 1p per week
shall be guaranteed funeral benefit in the event of decease during the period of
their call-up. On leaving the Service at the end of the period of their call-up,
and provided the member immediately commences to pay full contributions,
they shall become entitled to benefits as per the rules and the Scale to which
they are contributing.

(c) A member contributing to Scale 2 shall only be entitled to pay a
contribution of 1p per week during the period of their call-up, and there shall be
no liability on the Union in respect of Incapacity Benefit during such period of
call-up. On leaving the Service at the end of the period of call-up, and provided
the member immediately commences to pay full contributions, they shall
become at once entitled to Incapacity Benefit as per the rules and the Scale to
which they are contributing. [ page51]

Certificate of Approval of Political Fund Rules
Name of organisation
I hereby approve the altered rules for the political fund of the above organisation to
which this certificate is affixed for the purpose of Section 3(1) of the Trade Union Act
(Sgd.) M. WAKE
Certification Officer
Date: 7th October, 1986.
FORM E. - Reg. 8
TRADE UNION ACTS (Northern Ireland) 1871 to 1965 Certificate of Registry of Partial
Alterations of Rules
(Register No. FTU 43T)
It is hereby certified that the foregoing partial alteration has been registered under the
above-mentioned Acts this 23rd day of October, 1986.
Asst. Registrar [ page52]
Trade Disputes and Trade Unions Act (Northern Ireland) 1927
Certificate of Approval of Political Fund Rules
(Register No. FTU 43T.)
I hereby approve the Rules for the political fund of the above Union contained in the
foregoing partial alteration of Rules for the purposes of Section 3 (1) of the Trade
Union Act, 1913, as amended by Section 4 of the Trade Disputes and Trade Unions
Act (Northern Ireland), 1927.
Given this 23rd day of October, 1986.
Asst. Registrar of Friendly Societies for Northern Ireland. .

I will get back to you if enough people are interested in proper legal insurance for employees. For now, the email handling is handled by Aardvark Mailing List. Like Pledgebank, this list is for people who would like there to be cheap legal insurance but don't set it up because not enough people want it at once to make it viable. If you check out Aardvark, you will see that they remain free bacause they don't give email addresses to list owners; if anyone hijacks your email address it will be them, not, and they look honest. You can add your name to the list to be told when there are a lot of people on it and cheap legal insurance is possible.