Trade Unions are exempt from registering with the Fincancial Services Authority as claims handlers and do not have to give key facts

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register an interest in services.

Quoted in "Shared Company: how employee ownership works, downloaded from

I will get back to you if enough people are interested in proper legal insurance for employees. For now, the email handling is handled by Aardvark Mailing List. Like Pledgebank, this list is for people who would like there to be cheap legal insurance but don't set it up because not enough people want it at once to make it viable. If you check out Aardvark, you will see that they remain free bacause they don't give email addresses to list owners; if anyone hijacks your email address it will be them, not, and they look honest. You can add your name to the list to be told when there are a lot of people on it and cheap legal insurance is possible. . foundation66 (formerly Rugby House ARP) advertising for employment lawyers & solicitors